The Missing Link: Let me guess, Fresno?.Susan Murphy: Guys, what choice do I have? If he can make me normal, or even six-foot-eight, I can get out of here, get back to the life I'm supposed to have.Cockroach Ph.D.: I'm not a quack, I'm a mad scientist. You've been letting that quack experiment on you for over a month. The Missing Link: You're right, Insecto.Susan Murphy: Doctor, I'd prefer you didn't do your mad scientist laugh while I'm hooked up to this machine.Cockroach Ph.D.: They called me crazy, but I'll show them. Susan Murphy: Oh, I'm not gonna short-change myself.The Missing Link: Good point, Insecto.Susan Murphy: B.O.B., who else could fall from unimaginable heights and end up without a single scratch?.

The Missing Link: And the Coast Guard.Susan Murphy: Amazing! And you - you hardly need an introduction you're the Missing Link! You personally carried 250 co-eds off of Cocoa Beach, and still had the strength to fight off the National Guard.Cockroach, you can crawl up walls and build a super-computer out of a pizza box, two cans of hairspray and. And that was amazing! Meeting you guys? Amazing. Fighting an alien robot? That was me, not him. Susan Murphy: Why did I ever think life with Derek would be so great anyway? I mean, look at all the stuff I've done without him.Why did I have to get hit by a meteor to see that? I'm such an idiot! All that talk about "us" - "I'm so proud of us", "Us just got a job in Fresno". The Missing Link: Anyway, how, er, how was Derek?.The President of the United States: General, continue.The resulting goop gained consciousness, and became an indestructible, gelatinous mass. Monger: Thank you! A genetically altered tomato was combined with a chemically altered ranch-flavored dessert topping at a snack food plant. He invented a scientific machine, that would give humans the cockroach's ability to survive.

Cockroach, PhD., the most brilliant man in the world. He escaped, and went on a rampage at his old watering hole. Monger: A 20,000-year-old frozen fish man, who was thawed out by scientists. Nuclear radiation turned him from a small grub into a 350 foot tall monster, that attacked Tokyo.